Robotic Arts Intro Fall 2019 (IA277.01)

11/15: [work session & prototyping]


Today is dedicated to getting things moving. Let's get your ideas take shape. You are free to use other shops/studio as long as you check in with me. Today, I will go over:

Reminder for the schedule

On Prototyping

Next week we will be reviewing your prototype for your project. I want you to consider a few things towards next week to get most out from the feedback.

  1. Prototype does not have to look slick! It is a model of your project so we can discuss what is working
  2. Identify the important part of your project and decide what part you want people to experience
  3. Prepare questions to ask
  4. Take a break! We make some mistake often when we are working on the same thing for too long. Fresh eye always helps to see a problem
  5. Break it down. Make small part of your project work first, then scale it up!
  6. Iterate your idea
  7. Try not to get confined by the tech and stay flexible with your experiments!


Ranjit Bhatnagar - 28 Instruments, 28 Days

Christine Sun Kim

Naki nonsense machines by Meiwa Denki

Sumersault (excerpt)from Callum Cooper

Troubleshooting Checklist

When we work with electronics, do not expect everything to work on a first try! There are times that things work on a first try but always expect a problem.
Troubleshooting is an important and an essential skill for working with electronics.
Here are some guidelines for troubleshooting projects. Ask few questions to yourself to start this process.

  1. Is this problem occurring for the first time?
  2. What was the last thing you change in your project?
  3. Are there a part that's working? If so what is working and what is not?
  4. Based on these questions, what do you think might be happening?

Now, when you get to troubleshooting with details of your project, I want you to pay attention to a couple of things.

Above is an example set up for a testing sequence.
We will start at the plug and work our way up to the sensors and outputs.
Use a multimeter to test the circuit! Here is a refresher on how to use a multimeter

1: Wall

2: Power Supply / Battery

3: USB cord

4: Computer / Code

5: Arduino

6: Wires to the sensors

7: Sensors / Components

8: wire to the output

9: output

10: coding

3D printing and modeling

3D printers

We have three 3D printers in house! I will be doing a demo and going over how to use them. In case you need a refresher in the future, here are some videos of walk through

Afinia H800 manual

Afinia UP

Monoprice 3D printer configuration file

3D modeling software


Work on final project!