Final Project
- Open ended:
If you have specific idea you want to go after or extend, go for it! World is your oyster! - Speculetive Projection continuation:
Develop your idea from your Speculetive Projection presentation and produce a project that demonstrate a part of your idea. Be mindful of time and technical constraints, and be strategic on what part of your idea you want to convey. - Emotional things:
Create something that embodies or expresses specific emotional state. Give an expressive capability that objects or things don’t have otherwise. Think about how we convey and communicate emotions to each others. Gesture, facial expression, voice, touch, smell, movement, posture. Why do we communicate emotions? Use any input and output we learned in class (or somethihng new!) to express your project.
You have three options you can chose from. All options should follow these requirements:
- Special care should be given to considering presence and physical appearance of Arduino (if you use them) or other electronic materials. Meaning, Arduino and other electronic material should feel like they are meant to be there if they are present in visual language of your project. If it doesn't make sense to have an appearance of arduino for your project, conceal them or embed inside of something that is considered.
- No screen based work in this one! In this project, I want you to focus on physical construction of your project. You will get to do more screen based work in other IA classes! This requirenment is nagotiable case by case.
- Power management. Consider how you power your project. Your arduino should not be connected to a computer for your presentation in this project. Power your arduino with batteries or other external power supplies.
- This project can be completed individually or with a partner from this class. If you want to collaborate, the finished work should demonstrate an appropriate elevation in scope, ambition, and craft.
- Plan Ahead! You probably know by now that working with electronics takes more time than you might think and many things can go wrong. Double the time of how long your project you think it is going to take. If you have specific material you want, order them ahead of time and make sure you have enough time to troubleshoot. Don’t put everything together for the first time at the night before!
- No additional size and material restrictions
- 11/8 idea drawing
- 11/22 working prototype due (part of final grade)
- 12/6 Project due / presentation
- 12/13 Project due / presentation
- 12/18 Documentation due
- 5 photos or 30 seconds to 1 minutes video of your work
- One paragraph description of your piece
- arduino sketch .ino file if you use arduino
- schimatic drawing
- Other documentation methods are welcomed. Please touch base with me.
Upload documents to google doc in a folder named "Final Project"