Robotic Arts Intro Fall 2018 (IA277.01)
- Instructor: Lucas Haroldsen (
- Class Site:
- syllabus: syllabus.pdf
- Resources: links.html
10/19: Project 1 Presentation!
Today is critique day for Project 1. We will be spending most of the day looking and talking about your works!
- Set up time (30min)
- Critique
- Critique
- 3D printing demo (if we have time)
Documenting your work is an important part of your creative process. Documentation communicates your ideas to a larger audience through different time, place and context. Documantation is also a tool for reflection of your work and your interests.
- Medium to use for documentation (photography, video, text, audio, html page, theater, research paper, storytelling, book, zine, instructions..... )
- What aspect of your piece that you want to communicate
- Style (description, narrative, theatrical, comercial fictional)
- how and where to share your work
Burrowing Documentation Equipment
You can check out Camera, Video camera, Audio recorder, lighting kit and more from AV department. You can check hours here. You can reserve and check out equipment online at webcheckout
Camillie Utterback & Romy Achituv - Text Rain, 1999
Peter Ablinger
niko dama
by Ryota Kuwakubo
Interplay by Allan Doyle and Ash Turner
rolly toy by Hayley Martell
The Way Thing Go
electronic harvesting day
Thomas Thwaites: How I build a toaster -- from scratch
e-waste locations
- First floor of Digital Print Center next to the computer lab. There are black shelves and blue bins for broken electronics
- Brown Building First floor on the way to Cafe Doris
- Bunting First Floor next to bulletin board
Project 1: Documentation Due October 26st
Upload the following to a folder named "Project 1" in your google drive:
- 2 photos or 1 short video (or other documentation forms) of your work
- One paragraph description of your piece
- arduino sketch .ino file (if you used one)
- drawing or imahes of your circuit
Electronic Harvest day is NEXT WEEK!
- Bring electronics you want to take apart
- Bring drawing materials of your choice
- Bring tools like screw drivers, pliers, hammers... whatever that helps you with the harvest