Robotic Arts Intro Fall 2017 (IA277.01)
- Instructor: Lucas Haroldsen (
- Class Site:
- syllabus: syllabus.pdf
- Resources: links.html
09/05: Looking closer --- [basic components]
Welcome back!
Today, we will go over together:
- Electricity & Electronics
- Properties of electricity (water analogy)
- Prototyping materials
- Using a multimeter
- Polarity
- Ohm's law
- Reading resistor codes
- Reading schematics
- First LED and motor circuits
- DEMO : carving and soldering on PCB board
and we we will work on day bug/night bug
- Prototyping day bug or night bug circuits
- Marking, cutting PCB
- Soldering components to PCB
- Testing your board
- Trouble shooting
L.S.D Light to Sound Device (Paris)
Benjamin Gaulon
form, line, color, texture
Transferring movement
Arthur Ganson - Machine with Artichoke Petal#2
Arthur Ganson - Brownian Rice