Robotic Arts Intro Fall 2018 (IA277.01)

11/16: [work and planning day]

Project 2 : Idea drawing and precedents

Today, I will be meeting with each of you individually throughout the class time to talk about your final project.
We will discuss:

Troubleshooting Checklist

When we work with electronics, do not expect everything to work on a first try! There are times that things work on a first try but always expect a problem.
Troubleshooting is an important and an essential skill for working with electronics.
Here are some guidelines for troubleshooting projects. Ask few questions to yourself to start this process.

  1. Is this problem occurring for the first time? If so is there any difference?
  2. What was the last thing you change in your project?
  3. Are there a part that's working? If so what is working and what is not?
  4. Based on these questions, what do you think might be happening?

Now, when you get to troubleshooting with details of your project, I want you to pay attention to a couple of things.

Above is an example set up for a testing sequence.
We will start at the plug and work our way up to the sensors and outputs.
Use a multimeter to test the circuit! Here is a refresher on how to use a multimeter

1: Wall

2: Power Supply / Battery

3: USB cord

4: Computer / Code

5: Arduino

6: Wires to the sensors

7: Sensors / Components

8: wire to the output

9: output

10: coding

Arduino Review

Remember these?

Range / Distance / Proximity sensors

Library for HC-SR04 written by Sam Sheffield
How to install a library

Stractural complexity

  1. How to merge or combine code
    • Copy one sketch to another sketch or create new sketch
    • Resolve any duplicating functions or global variables
      • (Functions: void loop(), void setup()
      • Variables: int, float)
    • Resolve any duplicating pin use
    • Delete any duplicate part that is doing the same thing
  2. Comment your code!
  3. Write out what you want your code to do
  4. State Change Detection
  5. SwitchCase
  6. Random_behavior

Interfacing with AC circuits

Where to get stuff!

Remember to ckeck out links at the resource page!

3D printing and modeling

3D printers

We have three 3D printers in house! Let me know if you have a file you want to print during the class. I can print them and go over how to use the printers.

3D modeling software



Kelly Dobson's Blendie

Switch Bot

Random User by Monobo


GYL Opening


Work on Project 2!

Next week is a Thanksgiving break so we won't have a class. On November 30th, come to class with studies and prototypes of your project.
It should be a simplified experiment that can get a sense of your project. Prototype is a part of your final grade.

Remember, here is our schedule:

  • 11/30 working prototypes and studies due
  • 12/14 Project due / presentation
  • 12/19 Documentation due

Watch Documentary:

All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace
Part 2. The Use and Abuse of Vegetational Concepts

Video link

Be prepared to share your views and relationships to the ideas that are adressed in the film.